
What is a “Higher Power?”

In the world of anonymous programs, “Higher Power” refers to anything that you can believe-in that is both outside of yourself and more powerful than yourself.  (Of course, it can be argued that your Higher Power dwells inside you, but that is a different topic for a different day.)  This Higher Power can be anything from The Power Of The (OA/AA) Group to The Creator Of The Universe.  It could be The Power Of Love, The Basic Goodness Of Mankind, Creative Energy, The Life Force, Karma, or The Forces Of Good.  If it’s benevolent, big, and beyond you, it can be your Higher Power.  Many choose to see their Higher Power as their own personal understanding of a divine being.  This could be the God or gods of any religion out there, a divine being that you created in your own mind, or a conception of a divine being that you liked when you were introduced to it in a book, a movie, a work of art, or by a friend or relative.  Or maybe it is something more mystical, like an angel, a fairy, or a spirit guide.

What you are seeking here is a spiritual energy source that you can tap-into which is bigger than you, stronger than you, and better than you, since YOU are the problem!  (Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but…aren’t you?)  What you need to conquer your addiction is POWER, not self-knowledge and not self-propulsion (a.k.a. “willpower”).  By the time we have made it to our first 12-step meeting, we addicts have usually proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that those two things are utterly useless to us without the POWER (or the ABILITY – we never seemed to be “able”) to actually put them to use.

Your mission?  Find yourself a Higher Power…ANY Higher Power…TODAY!

March 9, 2012 This post was written by Categories: For Newbies Tagged with:
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