
The Search For A Higher Power

A Message To Binge-Eaters

I was just flipping channels and saw this woman (Christa Black) singing the most beautiful song (which I am going to post on this site), and I found this video she made.  Definitely worth the two and a half minutes of your time… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcxDNBPhVT0 PS – – here are the AWESOME lyrics to her song, …Continue reading →

Cross Moth

Late one evening last summer, I was coming home from a night out with my parents.  As I approached the house, I noticed a moth with unusual markings on its wings perched on my door.  It was dark out, but even by the dim patio light I could see that the design resembled that of …Continue reading →

God Loves YOU!

Before I could even begin to approach the subject of believing in a Higher Power that loved me, I had to break-through a much more basic philosophical argument: why would a Higher Power be interested in helping me with something as mundane as my battle with weight?  Didn’t He/She/It have better things to deal with, …Continue reading →

How I Became A Christian

Just before I came back to OA, a dear friend kept trying to convince me to check-out Christian speaker Joel Osteen (see Inspirational Links, if interested).  I finally reluctantly agreed.  To my surprise, after seeing his show, I realized that this was the first time in my life that I had ever walked-away from a Christian …Continue reading →

My “God Job”

About four years ago, my husband and I were forced to leave our jobs and almost lost our house.  Throughout that difficult time, I know that God was taking care of us, but I didn’t know it at the time.  In fact, if we hadn’t left that company, not only do I truly believe that …Continue reading →

“That Still, Small Voice”

About a year ago, I started “hearing from God.”  Doesn’t that sound so crazy?  Like I think I am actually in communication with The Great Creator?!  If someone had told me the same thing only a few short months ago, I would have been the first to say there was something wrong with them.  After …Continue reading →

What is “prayer?”

When I first started-out on my “spiritual quest,” I thought that prayer meant what I did when I got on my knees beside my bed and recited something I had memorized in CCD class but barely understood.  Wrong!  I have since learned that it is what I do any time that I talk to God …Continue reading →

“It’s Over”

About a year ago, I was sitting in the back of an AA meeting, just listening to a speaker, the same way I had been doing for many-a-Friday night, when the words, “IT’S OVER” flashed in my mind.  My eyes were open, but I could “see” them as if I had my eyes closed and was …Continue reading →