
My Experience With Meditation

My Cure For ‘Skatter-Brain’

The best way I have found to date for quieting down my brain is not at all I expected it would be.  I was having lots of trouble “emptying” my mind, supposedly so I could meditate, but I never got that far.  To me, that task was so difficult that after several days, I was actually …Continue reading →

The Dream Of Dreams

Several months ago, while I was watching “Reflections” on the Daystar network (my favorite form of morning meditation), I dozed-off in front of the television and had the following vivid dream.  Now, whenever I feel overwhelmed or down-hearted, I picture this scene and it always calms me down.  I hope it does the same for you. …Continue reading →

The White Tiger

The first time I tried Creative Visualization, I had very low expectations.  After all, I had been trying for weeks to do five minutes of “quieting my mind”-type meditation daily and had repeatedly failed.  Every 30 seconds I would open my eyes and peek at the clock, wondering why time suddenly seemed to be standing …Continue reading →