I Wish Someone Had Told Me…
How I Became Abstinent (This Time)
For seven years (2002-2008), in addition to being a raging compulsive overeater, I was a raging workaholic and I stopped attending all OA meetings. Sometimes I tried to restrain my compulsion to overeat, but as the stress at work grew, so did my size. Not only did I eventually regain all of the 96 pounds I …
This Is NOT A Moral Issue!
Contained within this category of ‘things-I-wish-I-had-been-told-when-I-first-came-into-program’ are items which WERE told to me, whether directly or indirectly, but that I didn’t “hear” until years later. Such is the case with this idea of morality. For whatever reason, my entire life was spent cowering beneath the shadow of the belief that I was a “bad” person because I could …
Stop “Measuring” Yourself!
One of the toughest things for food addicts to give-up is our impulse to measure ourselves, whether by getting on a scale, using a measuring tape, counting calories, monitoring our time at the gym, graphing our progress, projecting how long it will take us to lose a certain amount of weight, or marking the number …
Sponsors Are NOT Your Higher Power
One of the most difficult lessons for those new to 12 Step programs to learn is the fact that, sooner or later, their sponsors will let them down. Why? Two reasons: newcomers tend to put their sponsors on pedestals, and sponsors are only human. But rather than seeing this as a limitation, try to look at it as …
The Difference Between “Agnostic” & “Atheist”
Within the confines of 12-Step programs, an “agnostic” is someone who believes that you cannot prove the existence of God, and an “atheist” is someone who believes that you can prove that God does NOT exist. This is a subtle yet important difference that I could not understand until I heard it explained in this simple way. …