
compulsive overeater

Hooray For “Hairspray!”

Just needed an excuse to add these links…WITH a warning!! LOTS OF FOOD REFERENCES HERE!! – – but so garsh-darn FUN!!  And who CAN’T love the line, “…who wants a twig when you can have the whole tree?!”  LOL! When I am feeling a little down about myself, I put this movie on and before …Continue reading →

The Springtime Blues

As I begin to see winter clothes filling the racks in honor of “back-to-school-days,” I feel comforted and cozy.  It happens every year.  No matter how blah I may have been feeling, when I enter a store and see sweaters and long pants, mittens and scarves, and my personal favorite, boots, I suddenly feel like…AHHHHHH! Why?  Because …Continue reading →

The Uncoolest Addiction Of Them All

Have you ever noticed that some addictions are “cooler” than others?  I think this is really clear with cigarette smoking.  “Back in the day,” it was the thing to do if you wanted to be cool.  Watch any episode of “I Love Lucy” and you’ll see what I mean. Drinking & Drugging?  To me they …Continue reading →

The Drunken Remark

Way back when in the early 1990’s, the guy I was dating at the time suggested we go to a local bar that was attached to a bowling alley.  I was not thrilled, but at least I thought it would be interesting to see what it was like inside this place that I had driven-by …Continue reading →

Compulsive Overeating vs Binge Eating Disorder

You’re never too old to learn something new…. In all my years around program, I never knew until recently (and only after doing my own research on the Internet) that there are two different labels used by mental health professionals to describe abnormal eating behaviors. Here they are: Compulsive Overeating.  Those diagnosed as “compulsive overeaters” …Continue reading →

I Was A Human Garbage Disposal

I don’t know when I started eating food out of the garbage, but one day it just happened… and it kept going for years. My first garbage-picking memory starts out nice enough.  Every Saturday night my family would gather downstairs to watch a show or movie and mom would make pigs-in-a-blanket.  That tradition is one …Continue reading →

“When I am thin,…”

What did I think being thin was all about?  Why, Fame & Fortune, of course!  And men falling at my feet!  And no more problems of any kind!  No more conflicts with anyone!  And no more skin break-outs!  And no more unwanted body hair!  And looking like a playboy centerfold even when I am sleeping!  …Continue reading →

The Horror Of Pumping Gas

When I was in college, I was so emotionally crippled by my food addiction that I couldn’t even go out in public unless I was with someone.  I am not talking about agoraphobia here.  I was not afraid to leave the house.  I was afraid of being seen.  I was afraid of what people were …Continue reading →

My Earliest Binge Memory

Following is a description of my first compulsive overeating memory.  It is very early on a Saturday or Sunday morning and my parents are asleep.  I can’t remember being in my bed, what got me up, what I was thinking as I tip-toed to the fridge, or why I was craving what I ate.  I …Continue reading →

How I Became Abstinent (This Time)

For seven years (2002-2008), in addition to being a raging compulsive overeater, I was a raging workaholic and I stopped attending all OA meetings.  Sometimes I tried to restrain my compulsion to overeat, but as the stress at work grew, so did my size.  Not only did I eventually regain all of the 96 pounds I …Continue reading →