

What goes on at a 12-Step meeting?

If you have never set-foot in a 12-Step meeting, the whole thing can seem a little intimidating.  Following is a format that most anonymous meetings follow, more-or-less.  It is my hope that if you know what to expect ahead of time, you will be more likely to stop-by and check one out. When you first arrive.  …Continue reading →

Spoken & Unspoken Meeting Rules

Here is a list of what I consider to be the main “rules of the road” for those of you who decide to check-out some 12-Step meetings.  This is not an “official” list (I don’t think there is one), but rather, it is just a bunch of observations I have made over the years. Anonymity.  …Continue reading →

Not All 12-Step Meetings Are Created Equal

When you go to your first OA meeting, keep in mind that this particular meeting on this particular day is not at all a clear representation of what OA is about in general.  It is merely a very small glimpse of a very big picture.  This is why it is extremely important that all newcomers go to several …Continue reading →