
Author Archive

My Last Diet

Without mentioning any names, I want to share with you what it was like during my last attempt to lose weight through dieting.  (This was about seven years ago, during one of my OA “vacations.”)  It was through the use of a famous program that I’m sure has helped thousands of people.  I just happened …Continue reading →

I “Forgot” My Weight!

Last week I experienced a true miracle I’d like to share.  But first,…some background. Ever since I lost 75 pounds over a year ago, I have been asked to speak at several meetings, even though I still have almost the same amount of weight to lose.  This has always made me uncomfortable.  On the one hand, I’d …Continue reading →

Take Out The Trash

I wanted to share the following beautiful illustration I heard at a meeting a couple weeks ago about the way one fellow member describes what it is like to do the 4th step: He compared it to what we would do with a pile of garbage.  We have two choices: The first is to put all …Continue reading →

No Raffle Tickets For Me!

At an OA anniversary meeting several months ago, a good friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go up and buy a couple raffle tickets with her.  I casually blurted-out my standard line, “I don’t buy raffle tickets,” and didn’t think anything of it.  I noticed that she wasn’t getting up to buy …Continue reading →

Why I Don’t Drink

I often mention that I have never gotten high or drunk in my blog posts, but I think it is important for my readers to understand how this came about.  Looking back, I feel that it was the work of my Higher Power that protected me from these two horrible addictions, but at the time …Continue reading →

“Hoarders” Lesson Learned

Several months ago, I walked into the living room to find my husband watching a show called “Hoarders: Buried Alive.”  It is a documentary/reality-tv style show about people who are obsessed with filling their homes with “stuff” with no regard for the effect this behavior has on their family members, their health, and their finances.  …Continue reading →

Cookout Pigout

WARNING!  BINGE FOODS ALERT! Here is how I used to act-out my food addiction at the typical family cookout in my ‘tweens… My first order of business was always to volunteer for the jobs that would allow me to “feed” my habit.  I usually got my way, too, since I was the oldest, and because I …Continue reading →

The Dreaded “EAT RAY!”

I always have Nickelodeon on.  It is one of the ways I combat negativity.  No horrible news stories for this gal!  Just Spongebob, T.U.F.F. Puppy, and Timmy Turner for me, thanks!  So the other morning, as I was doing my household “chores,” I didn’t think much of the sounds of maniacal laughter and dramatic superhero music …Continue reading →

Emotional Bingeing

Even though I have stopped bingeing on food, I sometimes continue to binge on negative emotions.   Facing and fixing this fact is my current project, and unfortunately, I don’t think it will ever be completed.  Since I have “put down the food,” I have noticed my tendency to overreact to people, places and things.  I …Continue reading →

Cross Moth

Late one evening last summer, I was coming home from a night out with my parents.  As I approached the house, I noticed a moth with unusual markings on its wings perched on my door.  It was dark out, but even by the dim patio light I could see that the design resembled that of …Continue reading →