

Spoken & Unspoken Meeting Rules

Here is a list of what I consider to be the main “rules of the road” for those of you who decide to check-out some 12-Step meetings.  This is not an “official” list (I don’t think there is one), but rather, it is just a bunch of observations I have made over the years. Anonymity.  …Continue reading →

What is “abstinence?”

You probably already know that when alcoholics in recovery say they are “sober,” it means that they are not drinking any alcohol.  But when food addicts in recovery say they are “abstinent,” does this mean that they are not eating any food?  Of course not.  In OA, “abstinence” is the word used to describe freedom from eating compulsively.  What does that …Continue reading →

Find Your Passion Through Healthy Distractions

One of the greatest gifts I have received as a result of doing the 12 Steps is the gift of a clear mind.  This has enabled me to finally be able to just “be,” at least most of the times.  There are still moments when I have that feeling that I am “supposed” to be …Continue reading →


At first glance, you may think that this character trait is a good thing.  In fact, it reminds me of that piece of advice given for job interviews: when asked what your biggest weakness is, tell them that you are just “too” organized or “too” responsible so they think your only flaw is that you are …Continue reading →