
About Me

“Hi, my name is Sheryl and I’m a food addict.”

A self-proclaimed “Food-Fighter,”  I have finally broken-free from food addiction and I want to help YOU do the same!  Join me for insights, advice, and support, all with a friendly dose of fun, as I share the daily routines, thoughts, and behaviors that help me to live WITHOUT the pain, guilt, and shame of overeating…One Day At A Time!  I have been in and out of Overeaters Anonymous for over 24 years, losing, gaining, re-losing and re-gaining over 600 pounds.  Four-plus years ago I weighed 350 pounds, was binge-eating around the clock, and felt completely hopeless.  That’s when I finally made what was for me the “gut-wrenching decision” to look for a spiritual solution to my problem.  During that first year I lost 75 pounds.  Over the next three years, I lost another 20 pounds.  I am still working on losing the last 50, but the number on the scale is no-longer the sole focus of my life.  My obsession with food, weight, and dieting has been removed, and for the first time in 35 years, my mind is free to actually live life!

So…if you have tried every way possible to deal with compulsive overeating and all of its accompanying feelings of self-loathing and self-consciousness with little or no lasting results, don’t despair!  There is hope yet!  After all, I’m living proof!!


* * To read posts I have written, simply click on “POSTS” at the top of this page

or click on one of the categories to the right.  Happy reading! * *


I am a self-employed property manager living in North Smithfield, RI.  My secret ambition is to one day become a published children’s author and illustrator.  When I am not working on my great undiscovered masterpiece, I hang-out with family and friends, “like” things on Facebook, watch Spongebob Squarepants and Ancient Aliens, read inspirational books, listen to all different kinds of spiritual speakers, go to all different types of 12-Step meetings, and happily obsess over this blog.  You can contact me at sheryl@diaryofafoodfighter.com.


Favorite Inspirational Quote:   “Gather your wax from many sources and make your own candle.”


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